Chú thích Herman_Hollerith

  1. Martin Campbell-Kelly and William Aspray, "Computer a History of the Information Machine - Second Edition", Westview Press, pages 14-19 2004
  2. Hollerith, Herman (1890). “In connection with the electric tabulation system which has been adopted by U.S. government for the work of the census bureau” (Ph.D. dissertation) |format= cần |url= (trợ giúp). Columbia University School of Mines. Đã định rõ hơn một tham số trong |author=|last= (trợ giúp); Chú thích journal cần |journal= (trợ giúp)
  3. Hollerith's Electric Sorting and Tabulating Machine, ca. 1895 from the American Memory archives of the Library of Congress